Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck Patient

Abdominoplasty/ Tummy Tuck Patient #6

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Details for Abdominoplasty/ Tummy Tuck Patient #6


34 year-old female presented to Dr. Shridharani in New York desiring abdominal contouring surgery. She had a history of massive weight loss (> 100 pounds) and kept her weight steady for a period of 1 year. She was concerned with the overall appearance of the excess skin in her abdominal region. She wanted to undergo a tummy tuck with Dr. Shridharani and requested the procedure to be performed without drains. The patient is seen here 1 week prior to her procedures and 1½ years later with a very well healed scar. She was very pleased with Dr. Shridharani and his team in NYC.

Age: 34
Procedure: Tummy Tuck

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