Laser Resurfacing Patient

Laser Resurfacing Patient #2

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Details for Laser Resurfacing Patient #2


57 year-old female presented to Dr. Shridharani’s plastic surgery practice in New York City in hopes of getting rid of fine and deep lines/wrinkles around her mouth. She had tried “some peels” and “microdermabrasion” but “it didn’t help.” The patient spends significant time in the sun and was willing to undergo fractionated laser resurfacing under sedation to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles (kissing lines/smoker’s lines) around the perioral area. The patient is pictured here 1 week prior to her laser resurfacing treatment, 10 days after, 6 months after, and finally 2 years later. She has noticeable improvement in the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and texture of the skin.

Age: 57
Procedure: Laser Resurfacing

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