Category Archives: Liposuction

Let’s talk about what happens after Liposuction

Liposuction is a well-known cosmetic procedure that is only outnumbered by breast procedures. It has been this way for some time, and we do not expect to see this change anytime soon. The value of liposuction is that patients get the sculpted look they want in the shortest amount of time. Because fat cells are […]

What you Need to Know about Liposuction

Liposuction has been a popular method of fat-reduction for several years now. Women may seek treatment to thin out their thighs or hips. Men and women who visit our practice also often ask about liposuction to whittle their middle. Men may also turn to liposuction to reduce breast size and resolve gynecomastia. We enjoy helping […]

How to Stay Svelte After Liposuction

Many people today seek liposuction as a solution for lingering fat, primarily abdominal fat. Recent studies on women who had liposuction suggests that problematic visceral fat may begin to accumulate as soon as six months after the body-sculpting surgery. To help you maintain your new physique, we find it important to discuss habits that will […]

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