Restylane Volyme

What Is Restylane Volyme?

Volyme is a hyaluronic acid gel dermal filler and part of the Restylane family of dermal fillers. It was created to complement Restylane Refyne and Defyne. Abroad, Volyme is part of the Restylane Emervel family. This wonderful dermal filler replaces a natural component of the skin that is lost with aging in order to reverse the signs of aging such as fat loss and bone resorption.

What Is Restylane Volyme Used For?

Volyme is placed deep under the skin to produce contour changes of the jaw, chin, and cheeks in order to restore a more youthful appearance.

Are Fillers Safe? What Are the Risks?

Dermal fillers such as Volyme are considered very safe. There is a low incidence of adverse side effects and allergic reactions, however, it is very important to make sure your provider is a trained specialist like Dr. Shridharani in New York City.

What Causes Wrinkles?

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Wrinkles in the skin have many causes. Fine wrinkles are a product of the natural loss of collagen and elastin in the epidermis and dermis as we age. Deeper wrinkles occur when the face loses volume and sags, or when muscles continually act on skin and create a crease. Fine wrinkles and deeper wrinkles are treated differently and only a specialty trained board-certified plastic surgeon in NYC like Dr. Shridharani will be able to offer you the full range of possible treatments, from various injections to surgical corrections.

What Areas Can Be Treated with Restylane Volyme?

Areas commonly treated with Volyme include the chin, jawline, cheeks, and brow. Other fillers are used in other areas such as the tear trough, lines around the nose and lips, and the lips themselves. Many different fillers can be used in combination to restore a youthful appearance and at LUXURGERY in New York we utilize a broad variety of products in order to provide the best results to our patients.

How Long Does Restylane Volyme Last?

Volyme lasts for approximate 12-18 months, although actual effects in patients can extend even beyond that.

Do the Treatments Hurt?

Dermal fillers are performed by making injections into the skin and deeper structures. At LUXURGERY in NYC, we use a comprehensive approach to minimize the pain and discomfort of our patients and many patients report feeling barely any pain at all!

How Many Treatments Are Needed with Restylane Volyme?

The number of treatments depends on the area treated and what the specific needs of the patient are. Some patients achieve the results they want with just one treatment. Some fillers are “permanent” and will last 5 years or more. Most fillers resorb over time and need to be replaced over a period of months to years.

What Should I Do to Prepare for Having a Dermal Filler Placed?

There is very little to prepare for in order to have dermal fillers placed. As with every treatment it is best to avoid any sun injury immediately before the treatment and to avoid irritating and harsh treatments while you recover.

What Should I Expect for the Recovery with Restylane Volyme?

Part of the way hyaluronic acid dermal fillers work is to draw in water, what that means is that the treated area will swell and may become pink for a few days before it starts to go down. The final result is seen after 1-2 weeks once all the swelling resolves, at Manhattan’s Upper East Side based, LUXURGERY, we always ensure our patients have a post treatment appointment during this time frame to confirm they’ve achieved the goals they desire.

Schedule a consultation

If are interested in Restylane Volyme, please contact our New York City office for more information. Call 212.508.0000 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with New York City plastic Surgeon Dr. Sachin Shridharani.

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