Kybella in NYC

What Is Kybella Treatment?

Kybella was approved by the FDA in 2015 to destroy subcutaneous fat cells accumulating under the chin- creating the appearance of a double chin. Kybella is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring deoxycholic acid (a molecule found in your gastrointestinal tract working to metabolize fat). This non-human and non-animal treatment permanently destroys fat and tightens the skin surrounding the treatment area. Kybella can be injected in a variety of areas apart from the submental region, i.e. arms, abdomen, and outer thighs to improve the overall contour.

What Is Body Contouring with Kybella?

Weight gain in these areas can be attributed to many things, namely genetics, age, diet, and loss of mobility. Traditional methods to treat excess fat required liposuction or thermal manipulation treatments. However, New York’s own Dr. Sachin Shridharani’s Surgery in a Syringe℠ for body contouring with Kybella is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that offers less downtime for the patient. Not all patients are candidates for Kybella; therefore, other safe surgical procedures performed by Dr. Shridharani still may be necessary.

A Lifetime Of Surgery In A Syringe At LUXURGERY

MANY years, months, weeks, days and hours of dedication that has built #SURGERYINASYRINGE℠. We are so honored to have been able to treat so many wonderful patients at LUXURGERY. Keep watching until the end of Dr. S’ super demolition!!!

Who Is a Good Candidate for Non-Surgical Body Sculpting?

The ideal patients are individuals with mild to moderate amounts of fat deposited in the respective treatment area. This often is accompanied by complaints or thoughts of said fat creating unaesthetic contouring of the area. Dr. Shridharani will offer you his expert advice on whether you personally should consider body contouring with Kybella during your consultation. Each patient is unique; therefore, each person should receive a personalized treatment plan. Having injected thousands of individuals, Dr. Shridharani has perfected his Surgery in a Syringe℠ technique to offer patients the best outcome. One of the added benefits with Kybella is the improvement in skin laxity that accompanies the results.

Dr. Shridharani Explains “Off-Label” Kybella Use

How Effective Is Non-Surgical Fat Removal?

Dr. Shridharani’s Surgery in a Syringe℠ for body contouring with Kybella treatment is a series of injections that work to rebuild your body’s youthful physique. The molecule found in Kybella, deoxycholic acid, is injected under the skin directly into the fatty tissue. Deoxycholic acid then works to destroy fat cells in such a way that they cannot be re-created in the future. However, it is important to note, with weight gain the remaining fat cells can reinhabit the area. After the destruction of the fat cells neocollagenesis (the process of making more collagen) begins offering the skin a tighter more youthful look.

What to Know About Kybella Treatment at LUXURGERY

What Areas of the Body Can Be Treated with Kybella?

Dr. Shridharani’s Surgery in a Syringe℠ body contouring treatment with Kybella can be offered to any patients bothered by any of the following areas: jowls, submental, upper arms also known as “bat wings,” front bra roll- APAF, back bra fat- PPAF, male chest, abdomen, tummy, love handles, super pubis also known as “mona pubis,” inner thigh, outer thigh also known as “saddlebags,” back of the thigh also known as “banana roll” [area underneath the buttocks], inner knees, above the knee, calves, and ankle. Dr. Shridharani will offer you his expert advice on whether to consider body contouring with Kybella during your consultation. Having performed thousands of treatments, he has perfected his technique to offer the best outcome.

Kybella Before And After

Before and After Image of Kybella NYC

Watch Dr. Shridharani Inject Kybella into the Outer Thighs

Dr. Shridharani is able to comfortably inject Kybella into multiple areas of the body. Watch this video to hear directly from the patient how minimal the pain is while she’s receiving treatment!

Watch Dr. Shridharani inject Kybella into the Upper Back & Love Handles

Is Kybella a Permanent Treatment?

Yes! At only two stages in one’s development are fat cells produced by the body. The first is during embryonic development (when you are developing in the uterus). The second phase is during puberty. Kybella permanently destroys subcutaneous fat cells, which leaves the patient with a more aesthetically pleasing treatment site. It works well for those maintaining a healthy lifestyle before and after treatment. Diet, exercise, and metabolism contribute to one’s outcome and maintenance.

Everyone’s body uniformly accumulates fat; therefore, remaining fat cells (those not destroyed) can enlarge secondary to metabolic and dietary changes. However, one’s body will not create new fat cells. If one gains weight after being treated with Kybella, when they shed the weight they regain their results.

Will I Need Multiple Treatments?

Most individuals require 2 – 4 treatments to reach their ideal aesthetic goals. But note, some patients have seen remarkable results in as few as one treatment. Treatment plans are individualized to accommodate the unique characteristics presenting in each individual patient. This being said, Dr. Shridharani will offer his expert opinion on the treatment plan that is right for you.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring Recovery

Patients who do undergo treatment are asked to refrain from aggressive exercise, alcohol consumption, and salty foods for 24-48 hours after being seen. Patients are further asked to consistently ice the treated area to expedite the healing process. Overall, side effects are minimal to the individual and their lifestyle.

Are There Side Effects To Kybella Treatment?

Side effects can include temporary numbness, swelling, and bruising of the treatment area. These side effects contribute to “social” down time- meaning you might find yourself inside or taking time off from social activities. However, no significant hindrance to mobility or function.

Schedule a consultation

Ready to learn more about Dr. Shridharani’s Surgery in a Syringe℠ treatment and find out if you are a good candidate? Call 212.508.0000 to schedule a consultation with board certified NYC Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Shridharani.

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