Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck Patient

Abdominoplasty/ Tummy Tuck Patient #8

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Details for Abdominoplasty/ Tummy Tuck Patient #8


42 year-old woman presented to Dr. Shridharani’s cosmetic plastic surgery office in New York City desiring improved contour of the abdomen. She has a history of having children and was unhappy with the appearance of her abdominal skin and belly button. She had seen other plastic surgeons with the same concerns, but did not want drains or tubes during her recovery. When Dr. Shridharani examined the patient, he noted an umbilical hernia in addition to wide rectus abdominis muscles (paired muscles on abdomen that give “six-pack” look). In Manhattan, Dr. Shridharani performed a TubelessTuck (no-drain abdominoplasty/tummy tuck) with simultaneous umbilical hernia repair by one of Dr. Shridharani’s general surgeon colleagues. She is pictured here 1 week prior to surgery and 6 months after her procedure.

Age: 42
Procedure: Tummy Tuck

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