Case Details
32 year-old woman presented to Dr. Shridharani’s plastic surgery office in New York City with concerns of her “saddlebags” and inner thighs. She states that she has always noticed significant amounts of fullness in her outer hips and inner thighs. The fullness makes her uncomfortable and self-conscious of wearing certain types of clothing. She asked Dr. Shridharani to treat this area and he recommended liposuction of the saddlebags and inner thighs. The patient safely underwent this procedure had significant fat removed from the areas with well-concealed small incisions placed in her underwear line. She is pictured here 1 week before her surgery and 1 year later. Note the overall improvement in contour in her outer thighs/hip area and gap in her inner thigh. The patient was very pleased and requested cosmetic breast enhancement surgery, as well.

