How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

Sexy buttocks of woman in bikini on sea background Brazilian butt lifts (BLL) are gaining in popularity among women and even men. The procedure is minimally invasive, using liposuction to harvest fat from your body and then injecting it into your buttocks.

Even though the procedure only takes a few hours, you’re back home for recovery the same day, but it’s not something you want to repeat every couple of months. It does take a few weeks to recover after the BBL procedure, but it’s worth it when you realize your Brazilian butt lift can last for several years.

How much of the fat is retained? During your 2 to 3 week recovery time, it’s not unusual for you to lose around 30% to 40% of the implanted fat. Don’t worry, it also means you are retaining at least 60%. It’s more than enough to give you the lift and volume you are hoping to achieve.

You can maximize your results. While you will lose some of the injected fat, you can take steps to maximize your results. It can also help your Brazilian butt lift last longer. One of the first things to remember is to refrain from sitting without using an air cushion. You want to give the fat cells time to settle. What you wear following surgery also plays a role in your results. Keep your tight-fitting clothes in the closet for the first couple of weeks. Instead, you want to wear a compression garment to help speed up the healing process.

Variations in body weight can minimize results. If your weight is continuously fluctuating after the Brazilian butt lift, it can minimize results. Sudden weight gains can make your figure look unbalanced, resulting in the possible need for other contouring procedures. Losing weight after the procedure can reduce the number of fat cells in your buttocks. Your body will burn the transferred fat, resulting in flatter, less-lifted buttocks.

Are you ready to transfer your appearance with a Brazilian butt lift? Call Dr. Shridharani at Luxurgery in New York City, NY at 212-508-0000 or book your appointment online.

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