8 Simple Ways To Look As Young As You Feel

If you’ve noticed that you look older than you feel, there are things you can do to restore your youthful appearance.

Here are 8 simple ways to make yourself look younger.
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1. Take Great Care Of Your Skin

Great skin is a sign of health and youth. Protect your skin by washing it gently, using moisturizer during the day, and applying anti-aging cream at night. The sooner you start taking good care of your skin, the longer you’ll be able to maintain a youthful glow.
Remember that your neck needs just as much care as your face—don’t forget your neck when you’re applying moisturizer, sunscreen, or anti-aging creams.

2. Whiten Your Teeth

A bright, white smile will help you look younger. Try over the counter whitening strips or professional whitening to get a more youthful smile.

3. Get Plenty Of Sleep

Being sleep deprived puts you on the fast track to premature aging. Staying well rested will help you look younger and more energetic all day long.

4. Change Up Your Hairstyle

Lighter highlights can make your face look younger and face framing layers and bangs can be used to cover wrinkles on your forehead. Avoid making a drastic change, because dying your hair too dark, or bleaching it too much can make you look older—instead have your stylist subtly update your traditional look.

5. Invest In A Good Bra

A quality bra can help you keep a youthful profile and highlight your waist. Start by getting a professional measurement and choosing the right bra size. Next choose a bra that lifts and supports your breasts.

6. Change Your Makeup Habits

Wearing too much makeup is one of the fastest ways to look older than you are. Heavy foundation and powder will settle into the lines and creases on your face. Wear as little makeup as possible and keep your makeup subtle. Use concealer to brighten your face by applying little dabs to the corners of your eyes and mouth. Switching from matte lipstick to a pink gloss can also make your lips look fuller and younger. In general, it is best to you’re your makeup light and natural.

7. Eliminate Wrinkles

Botox provides a low risk way to reduce the appearance of brow lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet. You’ll generally need injections every few months to maintain your wrinkle-free look.

8. Restore A Youthful Contour

Dermal fillers can be used to restore lost fullness to your face. If you want a more youthful profile, fillers can be used to give you fuller cheeks and reduce the appearance of creases around your mouth.

To learn more about improving your appearance and looking as young as you feel, contact Dr. Shridharani.

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