What is a Tubeless Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck patient showing off her newly sculpted physique If you’ve been considering a tummy tuck but feel hesitant about the recovery, an exciting new approach could be just what you’ve been waiting for. Many people worry about surgical drains after a tummy tuck. They’re usually an inevitable part of the recovery after tummy tucks and other surgeries, but they’re messy and can be complicated to care for. Those drawbacks led leading board-certified NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Sachin Shridharani to have an innovative idea: Tummy tucks without the tubes. He invented the TubelessTuck, a revolutionary reimagining of the tummy tuck procedure that makes it easier, more comfortable, and less complicated for the patient.

The Benefits of a No-Tube Tummy Tuck

The TubelessTuck eliminates the need for the messy and uncomfortable drains commonly used in traditional tummy tuck surgeries. Instead, Dr. Shridharani uses a series of dissolvable sutures to close the space under the skin. This prevents fluid accumulation, which is the main reason drains are usually needed after surgery.

This innovative approach simplifies the recovery process and reduces the risk of complications, so many of our NYC patients prefer the tubeless approach for their tummy tucks. The absence of drains means a smoother, less cumbersome recovery, allowing you to focus on healing and enjoying your results.

TubelessTuck Options

Dr. Shridharani performs both mini and full tummy tucks using the TubelessTuck approach. Mini tummy tucks remove skin and fat below the navel, while full tummy tucks cover the entire abdominal area. During your consultation, Dr. Shridharani expertly evaluates your unique anatomy and surgery goals and recommend a full or mini tummy tuck. He also offers his unique method of tube-free surgery for other procedures, like breast reduction, breast lift, and facelift.

Resuming Regular Activities After a TubelessTuck

One of the most common questions we hear is, “When can I get back to my normal activities?” Most of our patients return to their jobs (as long as they’re nonstrenuous) within about two weeks after their TubelessTuck. Light activities can typically be resumed once soreness subsides, and weight lifting or more strenuous activities should usually wait at least a month. Dr. Shridharani provides personalized guidance to ensure a smooth and safe recovery.

Schedule Your TubelessTuck Consultation in NYC

Ready to learn more about the easier tube-free tummy tuck? We’re happy to discuss the procedure and help you plan, so call us today at 212-508-0000 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Shridharani.

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