What Is A Rhytidectomy?

A rhytidectomy is more commonly referred to as a facelift. If you’re looking for a way to counteract the negative effects of aging and improve your appearance, this procedure may be a good option for you. Keep reading to learn more.

The Basics

A traditional facelift involves removing extra skin and fat while lifting the tissues underneath the top layer of skin to create a more youthful appearance, eliminate wrinkles, and correct sagging skin.

This procedure usually involves strategic incisions that are made in areas where scars will be inconspicuous. During the procedure, the doctor will treat the layer of tissue underneath the skin (the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system or SMAS). The SMAS is manipulated to restore volume to cheeks and improve the overall contour of the face.

Who is a good candidate?

faceliftWhile a facelift is usually not performed on particularly young patients, age is not a major factor in whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure. Instead, your overall health, goals and goals will help to determine if it is a good option for you.

If you aren’t quite ready for a facelift, there are a number of other cosmetic treatments available that can improve your appearance and counteract the effects of aging.

If, however, you’re looking for significant improvement and more long-term results, a facelift could be the best option for you.

What is the recovery process like?

In most cases, patients feel comfortable going out in public about a week after the procedure since swelling and bruising is usually minimal at that point. To help the recovery process go as smoothly as possible, be sure to carefully follow the instructions given by your doctor.

Can you combine a rhytidectomy with other cosmetic procedures?

While a rhytidectomy (facelift) can be done alone, patients often choose to combine the procedure with other cosmetic treatments. For example, some patients may choose to have a neck lift performed in conjunction with a facelift while other patients may consider some liposuction under the chin and on the neck to create a better, slimmer profile.

If you’re interested in a facelift or another cosmetic procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Shridharani.

Posted in: Face Procedures

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