If you’ve been considering scheduling a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon, we have a hunch it is because you have a particular something in mind. This is what usually happens. A person becomes tired of wishing that something about their face or body were different. So, they decide to make a positive change through cosmetic surgery or treatment. That decision to make change is often immediately followed by a theory regarding which procedure is needed to achieve the desired result. The problem is, that theory could be all wrong. Let’s see how.
My Facelift is in a Syringe
There is a lot of power in the modern-day techniques for facial rejuvenation. We won’t deny that. However, the idea that most concerns can be addressed without surgery is somewhat of a fallacy. There are improvements that can be made with dermal fillers and other injectables, as well as laser and light treatments. There are also limitations. One must remember that fillers fill the tissue in which they are placed. If a substantial amount of volume loss has occurred and there is also laxity that needs to be corrected, fillers may fall short of maintaining the natural appeal of the face. Talking with your cosmetic surgeon, you may realize that a facelift holds the greatest value for your intended outcome.
Belly Fat is the True Problem
Another common assumption that is made before a formal cosmetic consultation is that belly fat is the real problem in the midsection. Women, in particular, are susceptible to certain changes in their abdominal structure; and these changes could inhibit the validity of liposuction as a primary procedure. Often, a brief physical examination of the skin and superficial abdominal tissue reveals that laxity and separation of the muscle from the abdominal wall calls for something more. Liposuction is most effective when there are minimal tissue laxity and a fair amount of excess fatty tissue. Anything more than mild laxity and the fat reduction could exacerbate the appearance of loose and saggy skin – and that ultimately negates the goal of surgery.
The best way to approach cosmetic surgery is with an end goal in mind. When we understand the desired outcome, creating the plan to get there is relatively easy. To learn more about the facial and body procedures available in our NYC office, call (212) 508-0000.