Form: Let’s Talk about This
What women want to gain from breast surgery is beautiful form. This isn’t about size; it’s about the overall contours of the breasts. The right contouring may come from breast lift surgery by restoring . . .
One of the natural changes that occurs with time is that the breasts fall from their original seat on the chest wall. When breast tissue is well-supported by the cradle of tissue around it, as well as the skin, elevation is assured. Elevation means projection and the illusion of larger size. This is why, when mastopexy returns breasts to a higher position on the chest wall, breast size appears to increase.
Elevation can make the breasts appear larger and perkier. The way in which breasts are lifted into a new cradle of tissue maximizes contouring. This may also relate to the slightly larger appearance of breasts after a lift procedure. The new hammock is supportive in all the right places to bring some of the weight out of the lower breast and into a more centralized position. For dramatically improved volume at the upper pole, a woman may choose to have mastopexy with breast augmentation using implants.
The Nipple Issue
Nipples and the areolae around them are an important aspect of appearance. The expectation is that nipples will project directly outward. Just as sagging occurs in the wider area of the breasts, it may localize to this central area as well. Downward facing nipples and expanded areolae can be refined during breast lift surgery to optimize results.
We would love to see you in our NYC cosmetic surgery office to discuss what you’d like to achieve with personal, professional care. Call (212) 508-0000.