Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck Patient

Abdominoplasty/ Tummy Tuck Patient #3

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Details for Abdominoplasty/ Tummy Tuck Patient #3


52 year-old male presented to LUXURGERY desiring improved contour of the abdomen and love handles. He has a history of significant weight loss from diet and exercise. Altogether, he lost nearly 50 pounds and kept weight off for over one year. He wanted to undergo a drainless tummy tuck in New York City with Dr. Shridharani. He is also interested in have a lower body lift at a second stage procedure. The patient underwent a TubelessTuck (no-drain abdominoplasty/tummy tuck) with liposuction in the waist/love handles. He is pictured here 1 week prior to surgery and 6 months after his procedure. He will continue to heal and his low scar (hidden in underwear/bathing suits will continue to fade. He is very pleased and planning his next procedure for his lower body lift with Dr. Shridharani in NYC.

Age: 52
Procedure: Tummy Tuck

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