Posts From January, 2018

Don’t Rule Out the Value of a Breast Lift

Breast augmentation is such a popular procedure that it can sometimes be misperceived as an end-all-be-all kind of thing. The truth is, there are many women for whom breast augmentation makes perfect sense. However, it should not be viewed as ideal in all cases, such as when the breasts have changed due to age and […]

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) New York City, NY

Aging Eyes Don’t Have to Downgrade Your Beauty

We’re all going to age. That’s something we know that we cannot bypass. What we can bypass, however, are the numerous consequences of aging. Aesthetic medicine provides some treatments and surgical protocols to mitigate the effects of the natural aging process. Here, we want to discuss the common concerns that affect the eyes and what […]

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