The Most Popular Types of Plastic Surgery for Men

plastic surgery for men 
Plastic surgery for men includes both surgical and non-surgical techniques. If you have any desire to improve your appearance, you are not limited to simply aging with grace.

Dr. Sachin Shridharani of LUXURGERY© in NYC is a true specialist in men’s aesthetics, and he offers various treatments that can help you address concerns and boost your confidence.

Men’s Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures for men are becoming more popular each year. According to 2022 data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, male patients accounted for 8% of all cosmetic procedures. There was also a 29% increase from 2020 to 2022 in the number of minimally invasive procedures performed.

Although surgical procedures declined over the same two-year period, they still remained popular with over 2 million men undergoing treatment in 2022.

What Are the Top Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Treatments for Men?

BOTOX® Cosmetic for Men

If you’re interested in reducing wrinkles or fine lines, BOTOX Cosmetic injections can be a great solution. Men can also consider the neuromodulator for traditional uses such as lifting the corners of the mouth, minimizing neck bands, and smoothing lines around the lips, eyes, or on the forehead.

Male Liposuction

This famous body-sculpting treatment works just as well for men! Common areas for liposuction include the abdomen, back, chest, cheeks, chin, and calves, among others. Dr. Shridharani can also perform a fat transfer to remove unwanted fat from one part of the body and increase volume in another.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Men with gynecomastia can turn to plastic surgery as a means of reducing their enlarged breasts and achieving a flatter, more masculine build.

Neck Lift

If age-related sagging of the face and neck is your primary concern, you may consider a neck lift. This procedure can improve the look of your jawline and neck. Neck lifts are used to remove excess skin and fat around the neck and chin and restoring a youthful contour.

Schedule a Plastic Surgery Consultation

Dr. Shridharani is a Manhattan-based, board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in men’s plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments. As a male plastic surgeon, he understands the unique wants and challenges his patients face, and he is committed to helping them feel confident in their bodies.

Please call LUXURGERY© on Fifth Avenue at (212) 508-0000 or contact us with any questions. You can also click “Book Online” at the top of this page to schedule your consultation directly.

Posted in: Male Aesthetic Surgery

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